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Monday, December 30, 2024

Recent updates to University catalog

There were two recent updates to program information in the University catalog that were requested by the University community. The first is there is now an option to download a PDF version of a single program (rather than the full catalog). To do this, visit the program page and click the “Download as PDF” link at the top of the page. The second update is the addition of sample plans. Programs that have an available sample plan will have a “Sample plan” tab with a link to a website with all available sample plans for that program.  

The information for catalogs will be updated to fall 2025 effective dates on Monday, March 3, 2025. 

2025-26 FAFSA available

The Department of Education launched the 2025-2026 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) form in early December. Students can now complete the form to apply for financial aid for the 2025-26 academic year. See the One Stop website for more details on the financial aid timeline. 

Degree Clearance training course

A refreshed version of the Degree Clearance training course was released in December. Only new users who are responsible for clearing degrees using the UM Degree Clearance page are required to take this course.


Q: Can a student challenge a grade by using their FERPA right to request an amendment to their student record?

A: No. The right to amend a student record is for information that is inaccurate or misleading due to a recording error; it does not apply to a substantive decision, such as what grade was awarded. Students do have the right to receive an explanation for their grades under University policy and can seek assistance from the Student Conflict Resolution Center if needed. 

Friday, November 1, 2024

Spring 2025 registration

Spring 2025 class registration begins Tuesday, November 12. Registration appointment times were posted for students in MyU on Monday, October 28. Students can find their appointment time by logging into MyU and selecting the "Academics" tab, then selecting the "Registration" sub-tab. Registration times and information on how to register for classes are available on One Stop.

If a student needs their appointment time adjusted because of a system error, contact One Stop Student Services. Include the student's internet ID, student ID, and name. 

Veterans Appreciation Event

Come celebrate our veterans with the 15th annual Veterans Appreciation Event Monday, November 11 in the Great Hall in Coffman from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. This event is free and open to the public! The event will feature food and refreshments, a military history exhibit by UMN Archives, therapy animals by PAWS, and more. Visit the Veterans Appreciation Event webpage to learn more about the event. 


Q: What applies related to suppression after a student graduates? Are we able to publish our graduate’s information on our website or social media? 

A: Suppression status remains in place after graduation and needs to be honored unless/until the alumni chooses to change it. If you are interested in listing them on the website or other publications, you need to contact the person and ask for their signed/written permission in order to share the information. That goes for confirming their degree awarded as well.

Friday, September 27, 2024

New FERPA training requirement

If you have access to PeopleSoft Campus Solutions and/or APLUS, you will need to complete the new FERPA training course by October 31, 2024. This training needs to be completed regardless of any previous FERPA training recorded. If you do not complete the new training on time, you will lose your PeopleSoft Campus Solutions and/or APLUS access. 

The new course should take 20-30 minutes to complete. If you are required to take the training, you will be automatically enrolled through Training Hub the first week of October. You will receive additional information and reminders by email. 

Moving forward, FERPA training will need to be completed on a regular basis to maintain access to PeopleSoft Campus Solutions and APLUS. This is to ensure that those with access to private student data remain informed of their responsibilities and to prevent FERPA violations. If you have questions, you can contact cctraining@umn.edu

2025-26 FAFSA availability delayed

In August 2024, The Department of Education released a timeline for the 2025-2026 FAFSA. The 2025-2026 FAFSA will be released by December 1, 2024.

GPA Calculator decommissioning

The GPA calculator will be decommissioned no later than summer 2025. This decision is based on current usage rates, the amount of resources needed to maintain it, and the availability of alternatives. The decommissioning process will include outreach to affected stakeholders to develop an appropriate timeline, available alternatives, and transition plan. If you have feedback that would be helpful to the team working on the transition plan, you can complete the feedback form

MyU and PeopleSoft applications unavailable Oct. 19–20

On October 19–20, 2024 (Saturday and Sunday), MyU and other PeopleSoft applications will be unavailable while the University upgrades PeopleSoft. This upgrade helps our PeopleSoft systems remain current and secure and ensures we retain Oracle support.

The timing of the upgrade was set cooperatively to minimize disruption to the University. Please make note of this outage and plan accordingly.


  • MyU and PeopleSoft applications, and some applications dependent on PeopleSoft, will be unavailable while the upgrade is in progress.
  • Aside from downtime during the weekend, no significant impact is expected.
  • Some who use PeopleSoft will notice some minor changes to the interface.
  • Those who use PeopleSoft will need to clear the cache on their web browser following this upgrade.


Q: Can college or department staff communicate with students who have a directory or full suppression of their record?

A: It depends. College staff, including those in a marketing department, can send college-related communication to students, including those who have suppressions on their records if the information pertains to their role as a student. University staff who have a "need-to-know" may access student contact information, regardless of suppression level. The information of students with address or full suppressions, however, cannot be given to individuals or organizations outside of the University. Colleges should, of course, be respectful of any student's desire to "opt out" of marketing-type communications.

Friday, August 30, 2024

Policy reminders

As we near the start of the term, we wanted to share a few policy reminders. The Mandatory Attendance policy requires students to attend the first class meetings for all classes in which they are enrolled unless they have prior approval from their instructor to be absent. Please consult the policy FAQ for more details on how this policy applies to online classes or when students register after the first day of classes. 

Please also consult the Excused Absences and Makeup Work policy and the Makeup Work FAQ. Reasonable accommodations must be made for students who miss class due to excused circumstances, including:

  • Illness, especially for in-person or blended classes
  • Religious holiday observance
  • Pre-approved first-day absence
  • Late registration

Instructors are expected to observe scheduled class times as stated in the Teaching and Learning policy

We also recommend reviewing the Student Conduct Code.

Course Works

With the rollout of Course Works, instructors should submit textbook and course material orders to the University Libraries and/or the campus store if they have not done so already. The sooner materials are adopted, the sooner students will have access to the required materials and make informed program option decisions. The last day for Twin Cities students to opt out of Course Works is September 16th. For additional information, please see Course Works Faculty and Instructor FAQs.

U Card reminder

With the start of the term approaching, remember to bring your U Card to ensure access to campus buildings. You can find entrances with a card reader by reviewing Campus Maps and turning on the layer for Accessibility in the top right. 


Q: We set our students up into groups for various cohorts. We would like to provide contact information (e.g., email) for each student in the group so the students and instructors can communicate with each other. What are the FERPA rules regarding this information?

A: For students that are registered in the same class section, the information can be shared as long as it is done securely. If the information is shared more broadly, such as with an entire cohort, the information is more limited. The access to student information must be limited to only those who need it and should exclude students with full suppression, as well as exclude address, phone, and email information unless you have their written permission to include it. For example, you could send a Google form to everyone in the group to get their permission.

Additionally with the "limited directory" policy for student contact info, students' home addresses, phone numbers, and emails are not shared with other students unless it is part of a student group or similar activity. 


Friday, July 26, 2024

New Registration training course

A refreshed version of the Registration training course will be released in early August. Only new users who are responsible for administratively registering students are required to take this course.

APAS and GPAS User Group meetings

Academic Progress Audit System (APAS) is the degree audit tool students use to track their undergraduate degree requirements. The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, August 20, 2024, from 2:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. via Zoom. Best practices, training, and helpful tips and tricks are shared along with timely information. All APAS users are welcome and encouraged to attend. To be added to the calendar invite, email apasle@umn.edu.

The Graduate Planning and Audit System (GPAS) is a tool accessed through MyU that consists of two parts that work together: the planner and the audit. The GPAS User Group meets quarterly in January, April, July, and October on the last Monday of the month. The next meeting is scheduled for July 29, 2024, from 9:00 to 10:30 a.m. via Zoom. Best practices, training, and helpful tips and tricks are shared along with timely information. All GPAS users are welcome and encouraged to attend. If you are interested in attending the meeting, please join the GPAS User Group.

Policy update for Student Services Fee

The Student Services Fee policy was approved in June as a new stand-alone administrative policy, providing a framework for implementing and administering the Board of Regents policy. With these approval came a key change to how the fee is assessed. 

Previously, the fee was assessed based on the number of on-campus credits a student was enrolled in. Starting with fall 2024, off-campus and online courses will be included in the calculation. The fee is mandatory for all students enrolled in a degree program and registered for six or more credits per semester or three or more credits per summer session. This change will ensure students can get the support they need to be active, engaged members of the campus community through student centers, recreational centers, health and wellness services, student activities and organizations, and more. The Student Services Fee is not assessed based on an individual student’s interest or ability to access specific services funded by the fee. 

Some students remain exempt from the fee regardless of how many credits they are enrolled in:

  • Non-degree-seeking students
  • Students participating in a full-semester study abroad program
  • Students enrolled in programs that have been approved for an exemption in the annual process 
  • Post-secondary enrollment options (PSEO) students 
  • Concurrent high school enrollment students
  • Students receiving the Regents Tuition Benefit
  • Students participating in the Senior Citizen Education Program

Because the fee is mandatory outside of the above exemptions, the Student Services Fee waiver will be retired after the deadline for summer term. 

More information about the Student Services Fee can be found at ssf.umn.edu

OCM leadership transition and interim

The director of Office of Classroom Management (OCM), Jeremy Todd, has accepted a position as the director of space planning and management in the department of Planning, Space, and Real Estate in University Services. His last day with ASR will be Friday, August 9. All of ASR is thankful for the significant contributions he has made to ASR and wishes him all the best in his new role. 

Sarah Kussow will be serving as interim director of OCM and will officially start on Monday, August 12. 

Friday, June 28, 2024

Astra to be replaced with 25Live

After completing the Request for Proposal (RFP) process, CollegeNET has been selected as the vendor to replace Astra for the University’s class and room scheduling system. CollegeNET’s 25Live product achieved the top score with the following highlights:

  • An updated, multi-campus academic and room scheduling platform
  • Improved workflow management, calendars, and customization options
  • Smarter event forms and streamlined event pricing
  • Increased “what-if” scenario planning
  • Advanced administrative tools

A core group has conducted preliminary analysis and planning to prepare for the late July project kickoff. The project is expected to launch in June 2025. The project team will work with the University community to ensure 25Live is optimally configured. Communications will continue throughout the project with current Astra users to ensure a smooth transition. 

Astra will continue to be the University’s class and room scheduling system until 25Live launches.

UM Report Retirement

ASR’s work addressing the retirement of UM Reports last fall is now completed. Below is a list of reports that have been moved to new platforms (i.e., UM Analytics or PS Query) and are available in the Reporting Center. Permanently retired reports are no longer available in the Reporting Center. The decision to permanently retire reports was based on overall usage rates, data being available in other formats, and specialized reports that were no longer needed for the intended stakeholder groups. Ad Hoc report data requests can continue to be made using ASR’s Student Data Request form

Reports moved to new platforms and available in Reporting Center:

  • Major/Minor Roster
  • Eligibility for lower tuition fringe rate assistantship
  • Student Roster Summary Statistics/Detail
  • Dean’s List
  • Grade Selector
  • Rochester Student Roster 
  • Degree Applicants
  • Graduate Education Student Report for Majors/Minors
  • Student Group Roster
  • GE Student Non-Graded Course Enrollments 

Reports that are permanently retired:

  • Student Addresses
  • My Advisees - Dean’s List
  • My Advisees - Graduated Students
  • Collegiate Degree Honors Detail
  • Degree Honors Percentage (Undergraduate)
  • Grade Roster Entry Statistics
  • Student Selector
  • Student Photo
  • Graduate Faculty Advising/Committee Summary by Field of Study
  • Graduate Faculty Advising/Committee Summary by Faculty
  • Athletics suite of reports
  • Education Abroad suite of reports


Q: I’m new to the University. What resources are available to better understand FERPA and student data access?

A: The following resources are available for you to learn more about FERPA and other policies: 

Friday, May 31, 2024

Transcript/Diploma withholding & service indicator updates

Starting July 1, 2024, the University (systemwide) will no longer be withholding transcripts or diplomas for students who owe a balance to the institution. Academic Support Resources, along with the campus registrars, is reviewing service impacts and determining if any service indicators (“holds”) should continue to withhold transcripts (TRAN) or diplomas (DIPLM). 

Additionally, the Office of the Registrar will be working to release held diplomas and collect updated mailing address information from students as needed. 

Upcoming PeopleSoft unavailability and changes

MyU, PeopleSoft applications, and other related online services, such as APAS, will be unavailable due to a system upgrade on Saturday and Sunday, June 8 and 9. Service is expected to be restored on Sunday afternoon. During the outage, you can check the Service Status website for updates. When work is complete, we recommend that you clear your browser cache before logging into PeopleSoft or MyU. 

Changes that PeopleSoft Campus Solutions users will notice include a new look and additional options on all search pages. 

The new Student Program Plan search page. The new layout includes more search options and a gray box outlining the search fields.

Additionally, a button will replace the tab layout on search pages that include the option to Add a New Value or Find an Existing Value. This includes Quick Enroll a Student, Student Program Plan, Request a Transcript Report, and other pages.

The Quick Enroll a Student search page. On the right, a yellow button titled "Find an Existing Value" is circled in red.

UM Reports retirement

Please see below for ongoing updates related to student records reports being transitioned off of the UM Reports platform. The anticipated timelines may fluctuate based on ongoing testing.

Reports moved to new platforms and available in Reporting Center:

  • Major/Minor Roster
  • Eligibility for lower tuition fringe rate assistantship
  • Student Roster Summary Statistics/Detail
  • Dean’s List
  • Grade Selector
  • Rochester Student Roster 
  • Degree Applicants
  • Graduate Education Student Report for Majors/Minors
  • Student Group Roster

Reports with work currently in progress:

  • Anticipated deployment in June 2024
    • GE Student Non-Graded Course Enrollments
    • Graduate Faculty Advising/Committee Summary by Field of Study
    • Graduate Faculty Advising/Committee Summary by Faculty


Q: What if a parent comes with a student to orientation? How does FERPA apply to students admitted to the University but haven’t started classes?

A: It is not unusual for a parent to attend the orientation and registration sessions for an incoming student. From a FERPA perspective, you should obtain written permission from the student prior to allowing the parent to attend either of these activities. In practice, the most practical thing to do is to speak to the student privately and ask if they want the parent to be present during these sessions, explaining to the student that it truly is their choice. 

If the student agrees to the parent being present, they should agree to this in writing. If the student does not want to have the parent present, politely explain to the parent that orientation and registration activities are only for the student.

Friday, April 26, 2024

Estimated Financial Aid notices

The University began sending estimated Financial Aid Notices (FANs) to new incoming students on the Twin Cities and Rochester campuses on Tuesday, April 16. This is later than typical, and some students still do not have packages due to delays and errors by the US Department of Education (DOE) with FAFSA processing. As updates come from the DOE and the State of Minnesota, we will continue to implement solutions and resolve errors that impact our students.

Save the date: PeopleTools upgrade

On June 8 and 9, 2024 (Saturday and Sunday), MyU and other PeopleSoft applications will be unavailable while University IT upgrades the PeopleSoft development platform, PeopleTools, to version 8.60. This upgrade helps our PeopleSoft systems remain stable and secure, and it ensures we retain Oracle support.

Aside from downtime during the weekend, no significant impact is expected, though some PeopleSoft users will notice some minor changes to the interface. This upgrade will also deliver an enhancement: a self-service control to enable Accessibility Mode for end users of the MyU/PeopleSoft self-service systems.

Helping prepare students for leaving the University

As students graduate, their access to University applications like Gmail and Google Workspace, Zoom, and Microsoft 365 will change. Share the Leaving the University self-help guide with students so they know what to expect and how to prepare.  

Grading resources

User guides for grading are available on the ASR website. The resources include final grade entry, due dates for grades, and safe handling of grading information. 

UM Report retirement update

Please see below for ongoing updates related to student records reports being transitioned off of the UM Reports platform. The anticipated timelines may fluctuate based on ongoing testing.

Reports moved to new platforms and available in Reporting Center:
  • Major/Minor Roster
  • Eligibility for lower-tuition fringe-rate assistantship
  • Student Roster Summary Statistics/Detail
  • Dean’s List
  • Grade Selector
  • Rochester Student Roster 
  • Degree Applicants
  • Graduate Education Student Report for Majors/Minors
  • Student Group Roster
Reports with work currently in progress:
  • Anticipated deployment in May 2024
    • GE Student Non-Graded Course Enrollments 
  • Anticipated deployment in June 2024
    • Graduate Faculty Advising/Committee Summary by Field of Study
    • Graduate Faculty Advising/Committee Summary by Faculty


In last month’s edition of The Record, we announced Natasha Monsaas-Daly as the new director of academic enterprise systems. Unfortunately, we omitted part of her name. Our apologies to both Natasha and you for this oversight. 


Q: May a faculty member include a student’s grade in an email if the email is sent to multiple students?

A: Suppose a faculty member needs to communicate midterm grade information to two of their students, Mary and Bob. The faculty sends an email, with both students' email addresses on the “to” line, and in the body of the message gives information about Mary’s grade and Bob’s grade. This would violate FERPA because it discloses private student data. Faculty and staff should take care to only include private student data in an email when the recipients are allowed to view that information. Incidents such as these can be referred to security@umn.edu

Friday, March 29, 2024

Director of academic enterprise systems announcement

Academic Support Resources (ASR) is pleased to announce Natasha Monsaas as the new director of academic enterprise systems. In this role, Natasha will identify key challenges, priorities, and opportunities and provide solutions related to Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) and core student systems. She will also participate in the University’s technology resource planning and decision-making. As part of the University’s PEAK initiative, Natasha will have a dual reporting relationship with Associate Vice Provost Stacey Tidball and Phoebe Johnson, senior director of IT leads in the Office of Information Technology. 

Fall 2024 registration times

Fall 2024 class registration begins Thursday, April 11. Registration appointment times were posted for students in MyU on Monday, March 25. Students can find their appointment time by logging into MyU and selecting the "Academics" tab, then selecting the "Registration" sub-tab. Registration times and information on how to register for classes are available on One Stop.

If a student needs their appointment time adjusted because of a system error, contact One Stop Student Services (onestop@umn.edu). Include the student's internet ID, student ID, and name.

Room Scheduling RFP

ASR and the Office of Classroom Management (OCM) have an active Request for Proposals (RFP) for the University’s academic room scheduling system to ensure that the tools we use meet the University’s needs and comply with University policy. Astra is the University’s current academic room scheduling system vendor.

At this point, we’ve received vendor responses, conducted demos and usability with two finalists, and made reference calls to determine a fit with the University's needs. ASR is working with Purchasing, the Office of the General Counsel, and University Information Security to negotiate a contract with our top finalist. The project timeline and contract information will be available soon.

Manage Advising Committees training course

A refreshed version of the Manage Advising Committees course was released in March. Only new users who manage undergraduate advising committee membership are required to take this course. 

UM Reports Retirement Update

Please see below for ongoing updates related to student records reports being transitioned off of the UM Reports platform. The anticipated timelines may fluctuate based on ongoing testing.

Reports moved to new platforms and available in Reporting Center:

  • Major/Minor Roster
  • Eligibility for lower-tuition fringe-rate assistantship
  • Student Roster Summary Statistics/Detail
  • Dean’s List
  • Grade Selector
  • Rochester Student Roster 
  • Degree Applicants
  • Graduate Education Student Report for Majors/Minors

Reports with work currently in progress:

  • Anticipated deployment in late March 2024
    • Student Group Roster
  • Anticipated deployment in May 2024
    • GE Student Non-Graded Course Enrollments 
  • Anticipated deployment in June 2024
    • Graduate Faculty Advising/Committee Summary by Field of Study
    • Graduate Faculty Advising/Committee Summary by Faculty


Q: Our program would like to have alumni reach out to potential applicants or current undergraduate students to apply to a graduate program. What is the best way to do this? 

A: If the alumni is associated with the University in an official capacity, you are not able to share potential applicant information without consent. As an alternative, you could share the first names of students and ask the alumni to write cards out to "Dear First Name," and then the department could send the cards directly to the students on the alumni’s behalf. You would still want to make sure they are not sent to anyone with a full suppression.

Some departments reach out to specific students and ask them if they are interested in hearing from alumni, engaging in conversations, etc. If they "opt in," you could share their contact information more widely. 


Friday, February 23, 2024

New digital credential and print diploma vendor: Paradigm

Students with conferral dates of January 1, 2024 and after will receive their digital credential and physical diploma via Paradigm, the University’s new digital and print diploma vendor. The Office of the Registrar (OTR) submitted its first print diploma order with Paradigm this month. The first digital credentialing order will be placed on Monday, March 4. 

OTR began the RFP process for digital and print diploma services in late 2022. The RFP process was initiated due to the University's contract ending with their current digital diploma vendor, Parchment, and the desire to consolidate systemwide diploma services. Prior to the implementation of Paradigm, physical diplomas were produced by University Printing Services and manually distributed by OTR staff. Paradigm’s services will create several efficiencies in this process and provide additional benefits to students, such as providing tracking numbers to students when their diplomas are mailed. 

Students should not expect any disruption in diploma services (either print or digital) as a result of this change. Students with conferral dates prior to January 1, 2024 will continue to access their digital credentials via Parchment. Students have permanent access to their credential via their issuing vendor. Students will also have permanent access to their digital credential regardless of their future affiliation with the University.

As a reminder, digital credentials are not available to students with conferral dates prior to fall 2019. Any questions can be directed to otr@umn.edu

Notarization and Apostille process changes

As of February 12, 2024, OTR is no longer offering Apostille services. However, students can still have their documents notarized by OTR and access Apostille services via the MN Secretary of State directly. This service change reflects the standards of other Big10 University partners. All five campuses have adjusted their Notarization and Apostille One Stop pages to reflect these changes. 

FAFSA simplification update

The Department of Education will not begin processing Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) submissions and providing data to schools until Mid-March due to inflation adjustments in the Student Aid Index (SAI). They are anticipating that this delay will not impact the 2024-25 financial aid offer students receive this summer. Students can still complete the FAFSA form and expect an email from Federal Student Aid in mid-March acknowledging that their FAFSA has been processed.

One Stop Student Services will not be able to confirm the arrival of FAFSA information until April because of this delay. This is contingent upon software updates, implementation, and testing. Once One Stop receives this information, they will begin sending out estimated financial aid offers to new students in April. The Financial Aid timeline on the One Stop website will be updated as more information becomes available.


On February 21, all students started receiving a pop-up message in MyU for the annual renewal of the Student Financial Obligations and Responsibility eAgreement. Students are notified in MyU so they have the opportunity to review the updated text on the One Stop website prior to accepting the agreement. Students must accept eAgreement terms by March 6, 2024.

UM Report updates

Please see below for ongoing updates related to student records reports being transitioned off of the UM Reports platform. The anticipated timelines may fluctuate based on ongoing testing.

Reports moved to new platforms and available in Reporting Center:

  • Major/Minor Roster
  • Eligibility for lower tuition fringe rate assistantship
  • Student Roster Summary Statistics/Detail
  • Dean’s List
  • Grade Selector
  • Rochester Student Roster 

Reports with work currently in progress:

  • Anticipated deployment in late February/early March 2024
    • Graduate Education Student Report for Majors/Minors
    • Degree Applicants
    • Student Group Roster
  • Anticipated deployment in May 2024
    • GE Student Non-Graded Course Enrollments 

Prioritized reports for future work:

  • Graduate Faculty Advising/Committee Summary by Field of Study
  • Graduate Faculty Advising/Committee Summary by Faculty


Q: Can a student challenge a grade by using their FERPA right to request an amendment to their student record?

A: No. The right to amend a student record is for information that is inaccurate or misleading due to a recording error; it does not apply to a substantive decision, such as what grade was awarded. Students do have the right to receive an explanation for their grades under University policy and can seek assistance from the Student Conflict Resolution Center if needed.

Friday, January 26, 2024

Annual Report update

The ASR annual report covering the period of September 2022 to August 2023 is complete and available on the ASR website homepage. This document highlights key metrics and accomplishments from each unit within ASR. The report may be especially helpful to those who partner with ASR as it provides a comprehensive overview of all we do for the University. Feel free to share with anybody you think would be interested! 

2024-25 FAFSA available

The Department of Education launched the newly streamlined Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) form on December 31, 2023. During the first few weeks of launch, the form was periodically unavailable for short periods of time due to site maintenance and technical updates. Students can now complete the form to apply for financial aid for 2024-25. An updated financial aid timeline regarding the changes to the FAFSA is available on the One Stop website.

Caucus night

Tuesday, February 27, 2024 is caucus night. Per Board of Regents resolution, the University may schedule classes or events on caucus night with the Board’s authorization. However, students and/or instructors are permitted to attend their party’s caucus night if they wish. Students must notify their instructor in advance, and instructors are expected to accommodate their requests. If enough students indicate that they will be attending their caucus so that holding class becomes impractical, instructors may cancel the class or make alternative arrangements.

UM Report retirement updates

Please see below for ongoing updates related to student records reports being transitioned off of the UM Reports platform. The anticipated timelines may fluctuate based on ongoing testing.

Reports moved to new platforms and available in Reporting Center:

  • Major/Minor Roster
  • Eligibility for lower tuition fringe rate assistantship
  • Student Roster Summary Statistics/Detail 

Reports with work currently in progress:

  • Anticipated deployment in late January 2024
    • Dean’s List
    • Grade Selector
    • Rochester Student Roster
  • Anticipated deployment in February 2024
    • GE Student Non-Graded Course Enrollments 
  • Anticipated deployment in late February/early March 2024
    • Graduate Education Student Report for Majors/Minors
    • Degree Applicants
    • Student Group Roster

Prioritized reports for future work:

  • Graduate Faculty Advising/Committee Summary by Field of Study
  • Graduate Faculty Advising/Committee Summary by Faculty


Q: Can a parent join a virtual meeting with a student, such as an advising appointment?

A: Sharing a student’s private information with a parent or other guest is not allowed unless we have written permission from the student. Even though the student may verbally agree to having the parent present, we need to document this with written permission.