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Friday, August 30, 2024


Q: We set our students up into groups for various cohorts. We would like to provide contact information (e.g., email) for each student in the group so the students and instructors can communicate with each other. What are the FERPA rules regarding this information?

A: For students that are registered in the same class section, the information can be shared as long as it is done securely. If the information is shared more broadly, such as with an entire cohort, the information is more limited. The access to student information must be limited to only those who need it and should exclude students with full suppression, as well as exclude address, phone, and email information unless you have their written permission to include it. For example, you could send a Google form to everyone in the group to get their permission.

Additionally with the "limited directory" policy for student contact info, students' home addresses, phone numbers, and emails are not shared with other students unless it is part of a student group or similar activity. 


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