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Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Entering final grades

For most sessions including undergraduate full semester classes, final grades are due on Friday, December 27, by 11:59 p.m. Grading due dates and grading how-to guides are available. Instructors can get help by emailing srhelp@umn.edu or calling 612-625-2803.

New Faculty Center guides

The Faculty Center how-to guides, which cover class rosters, grading, and more, are being transformed from PDFs to Google Docs. This will allow for easier updating when system changes occur and will make the documents more accessible. We are posting the revised guides as they are completed.

One Stop office closures

The One Stop St. Paul and West Bank locations will have special hours on a few days in December:
  • Thursday, December 19: St. Paul and West Bank offices close early at 1:30 pm
  • Thursday-Friday, December 26-27: St. Paul and West Bank locations closed
Service will be available as usual at the East Bank location in 333 Bruininks Hall, including Graduate Student Services and Progress.

Academic alerts in APLUS - potential pilot

The project team who is working on creating the functionality to add academic alerts (formerly mid-term grades) to APLUS is considering a potential pilot where we could assess risks or opportunities before a wider rollout of the feature in APLUS. If your college might be interested in piloting this process next summer, please reach out to Adrienne Bricker (abricker@umn.edu).

Digital diplomas

Our first issuance of digital diplomas will happen this Friday, December 6. There are currently 358 eligible students (124 undergraduates, 234 graduates) across all campuses. All students who have their degree awarded moving forward will get both a paper and digital diploma, both of which are considered official. The diplomas will be sent as a secure PDF with University branding from the vendor, Parchment. Currently, they are not available for duplicate ordering. If you have questions, contact Erik Sparby (spar0110@umn.edu).

No RAC in January

There will be no Registrar’s Advisory Committee (RAC) meeting on January 6. The next meeting will be in February with details to be determined. Past RAC meeting minutes are available.


Question: What should I do if a military recruiter asks me for student contact information?

Answer: Per the Solomon Amendment, military recruiters are permitted to request student directory information. The Office of Institutional Research is the designated campus department that fulfills these requests.