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Friday, November 1, 2019

Auto-enrolling from waitlists starts in November

On November 25, the process will begin for auto-enrolling students into classes for which they are on the waitlist. Auto-enroll runs from November 25 until January 21. If you encounter any issues with waitlisting or the auto-enroll process, contact the ASR Office of Classroom Management at ocmsoftwarehelp@umn.edu. More information on how students can add themselves to a waitlist is available.

New Directed Activity Contract online

A new online workflow for directed activity contracts is now available. The contract is for active undergraduates (including non-degree) who want to earn credit for directed research or directed study projects. Information about the workflow is available in the Directed Activity Contract workflow guide (for staff only).

When helping students, use the following:

Name recording playback now available in APLUS

There is a new feature in APLUS that allows you to listen to the recording of students’ names via the NameCoach tool. If students have recorded their names in Canvas, the recordings will be available for playback in APLUS. To listen to a student’s name in APLUS, press the purple play button next to their name. You can also hover over the play button and the phonetic spelling will display if the student entered one. If no play button appears, it means a student has not made a recording. Recordings are optional and at this time must be made in Canvas.

Spring 2020 appointment times

Last week, registration appointment times were posted for students in MyU, with spring 2020 registration beginning on Tuesday, November 12. Students can find their appointment time by logging into MyU and selecting the "Academics" tab, then selecting the "Registration" sub-tab (how-to instructions are available). The registration times are available on One Stop.

To adjust an appointment time for a particular student, contact One Stop Student Services (onestop@umn.edu). Include the student's internet ID, student ID, name, and campus.


Question: If a class is offered remotely using web conferencing technology and the class session is recorded (such that students are identified in the recording), can the recording be shared?

Answer: If the recording is shared with other students enrolled in the class, yes. For example, the recording could be shared with students who were absent, or needed to review a presentation they made.

However, sharing the recordings outside of the class is not permitted unless the students have given their signed, written permission.

*Credit to AACRAO for the FERPA article inspiration.