With the recent news on increased pandemic infections, where do you rank your COVID-19 risk tolerance?
67% more cautious than others
31 % about the same as others
2% less cautious than others
“‘COVID Risk Comfort Zone’” features a comic about how to say “no” when someone asks you to do something outside of your COVID risk comfort zone.
“Etiquette Tips for Staying Safe, Sane, and Your Best Self While Social Distancing” by Cathering Newman discusses how to navigate the pandemic safely and with compassion for others.
Have you personally encountered controversy related to mask usage?
48% Yes
52% No
“Controversy in comfort levels as people try to emerge from coronavirus puts some relationships at risk” by Kayla Canne talks about how differences in comfort levels regarding COVID-19 has strained some personal relationships.
With social distancing and remote working what helps you feel connected to others and counteract the potential loneliness of working remotely?
Daily walks with spouse, family, or with masked friends
Zooms gatherings with friends, family, and coworkers
Phone calls or texting with friends and family
Sending and receiving letters with friends and family
Scheduling time to have informal or non-work related conversations with coworkers
Online events or activities, such as live streamed concerts or gaming
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