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Friday, July 27, 2018

PeopleSoft Campus Solutions 9.2 Upgrade wrap up

The PeopleSoft Campus Solutions 9.2 Upgrade Project officially concluded on June 30. This project kicked off in April 2017 and was completed in two phases. The first phase—a technical upgrade of Campus Solutions from version 9.0 to 9.2—was delivered in September 2017. The second phase delivered functional improvements over several months. This included 16 individual initiatives focused on leveraging delivered functionality not already in use.

In summary: the University is now the most current it has ever been with PeopleSoft Campus Solutions releases and is positioned to take advantage of new functionality. Project teams explored the application of delivered functionality to meet business needs and deliver service improvements for students, faculty, and staff.

For more detail, see the CS 9.2 Completion Report.

Transfer Articulation and Degree Audit project

The Transfer Articulation and Degree Audit project officially kicked off on July 2. The purpose of the project is to implement the newest version of the system that provides the University with transfer articulation and degree audits (DARS).

The first year of the project includes a vendor services contract with College Source, the parent company of DARS, TES, and Transferology. They will be performing much of the technical work to switch the University over to their new platform, uAchieve. Project team members will be consulting with subject matter experts and system campus partners to make sure the University’s business needs are met. More details are available on the project status dashboard.

Last Date of Participation (LDoP) field in Canvas

With the transition from Moodle to Canvas there are changes to the display of the Last Date of Participation (LDoP) field. When courses convert to Canvas, the LDoP field will no longer fill in automatically. This is due to the fact that the LDoP defaults to the last time a student logged into the course, not the last time a student engaged in a significant educational activity.

Courses that remain in Moodle for the 2018-19 academic year will still have the LDoP field auto-filled with the last date a student logged into the course. Staff are working with OIT and the Canvas/Moodle teams to have a way to check if the faculty member simply left the field as is or if there are other data points available to verify that the student did engage in an educational activity. This field is very important in helping calculate Return of Title IV (R2T4) funds for students who earn all F, N or W grades in a term. Please remind your faculty members of this, specifically those who need to determine the last date a student engaged in an education-related activity in a class including those still using Moodle.


Q: Can college or department staff communicate with students who have a directory or full suppression of their record?

A: It depends. College staff, including those in a marketing department, can send college-related communication to students, including those who have suppressions on their records, if the information pertains to their role as a student. University staff who have a "need-to-know" may access student contact information, regardless of suppression level. The information of students with address or full suppressions, however, cannot be given to individuals or organizations outside of the University. Colleges should, of course, be respectful of any student's desire to "opt out" of marketing-type communications.