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Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Changes to key student records reports

After the Upgrade a new, centralized MyU Reporting Center will be the hub for your student systems report needs. It will contain links to reports that are being carried forward from UM Reports, UM Analytics and PeopleSoft.  Read the Transitioning to UM Reports blog post to help you prepare for the new MyU Reporting Center.

What’s changing with key student record reports?

The Upgrade will change the appearance, functionality, and location of the tools and reports that you’ve become accustomed to accessing through UM Reports, UM Analytics or PeopleSoft 8.9. Some are being retired and others are being replaced by real-time data in PeopleSoft pages. Review the information below to prepare for changes to key student record reports.

Academic Record

  • The UM Report - Academic Record will be replaced by PeopleSoft pages with real-time data that covers the same information. After the Upgrade, this information will be found through the new MyU → Click “Key Links” → select Reporting Center → Student Services → Student Records.
  • To get to an assigned advisee’s Student Center page, where you can view and print “unofficial transcripts,” start in the new MyU → click Key Links tab → select Advisor Center → click on “View Student Details” next to an advisee’s name and ID → select “Transcript: View Unofficial” from the “Other Academics” drop-down menu.
  • Any current staff member who has view access to PeopleSoft Student Records can access the PeopleSoft Student Services Center page, which contains the information replacing the UM Report - Academic Record.

Graduate Education Student Profile

  • The Graduate Education Student Profile will be replaced by PeopleSoft pages with real-time data that covers the same information. 
  • After the Upgrade, this information will be found through the new MyU → Click “Key Links” → select Reporting Center → Student Services → Student Records. This will include:
    • General info
    • Service indicators
    • Addresses
    • Transfer credit information
    • Academics 

How to print an unofficial transcript

  • Only advisors will be able to print an unofficial transcript through the advisee’s Student Center page in the Advisor Center. All other staff will need to navigate to the Request Transcript Report page in PeopleSoft.
  • To view and print an “unofficial transcript” (i.e. the PDF version of an Academic Record report), inside an advisee’s Student Center page, under the Academics tab, click the drop-down menu and select “Transcript: View Unofficial” and click the double arrows to proceed. A prompt window will open, select “Request Unofficial Transcript” then view report. It will open as a printable PDF.

Course List and Class Rosters

  • After the Upgrade, the Class List report will be replaced by a PeopleSoft page with real-time data. Staff members will access this information through the new MyU → Click “Key Links” → select Reporting Center → Student Services → Enrollment.
  • For faculty, instructors, and their assigned proxies, the class list and roster information should be accessed through the Teaching tab of the new MyU. This opens a list of courses, which you can click through to get to the Faculty Center and access class rosters (through the class roster icon, looks like a group of people, or tab). This will be the only way to access class roster photos (if available).
  • This information can be downloaded to Excel by clicking on the table icon with the red arrow, or printed by clicking the “Printer Friendly Version” link at the bottom of the page. 
  • To learn more about the Faculty Center’s my schedule, class roster and grade roster pages, view the PeopleSoft Faculty Center guide.


  • The Probation/Suspension and Probation Holds reports will be replaced by a PeopleSoft page with real-time data.
  • After the Upgrade, this information will be found through the new MyU → Click “Key Links” → select Reporting Center → Student Services → Student Records. 
  • Additionally, students will have the ability to see if they are in good academic standing, values will include:
    • Good - Good Standing
    • PRB1 - Probation Level 1
    • PRB2 - Probation Level 2 (Can have multiple terms Prob Level 2) 
    • DISM - Dismissal/Suspension
    • PRAD - Probation after dismissal/suspension
    • PRBH - History of Probation

Leave of Absence

The Leave of Absence report is being retired. This information can be provided to you upon request. Please contact Ingrid Nuttall with questions or concerns.

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