At the last several RAC meetings we have discussed updates to graduate education milestones related to the Graduate Degree Plan (GDP) and examining committees. You will now see on students' records that the GDP milestone (0804) is being used solely for the GDP and will either have a designation of "not complete" if the GDP has not been submitted and/or processed or "complete" indicating that the GDP has been approved by the program and college and processed by GSSP.
The following committee milestones are now also appearing on students' records in either a "not complete" or "complete" status: 0827 for doctoral prelim oral committees, 0828 for masters and doctoral final exam committees, and 0829 for those programs who do not require committees (i.e., post-bacc certificates and master's Plan C). Updates to these milestones were made for active students only. Any questions regarding this update can be directed to Amber Cellotti at
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