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Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Updated Education Abroad policy

The updated Student Travel and Education Abroad: Health & Safety University policy is now live on the UWide Policy Library.

The policy governs all University-purpose travel outside the U.S. by all students. It includes student requirements as well as the requirements of units supporting, promoting or organizing student international travel. Specifically, the updated policy:

  • Clarifies requirements and definitions:

--Unit requirements including program planning requirements

--Student requirements reflecting new online process for registering independent student travel

--Definition of university-purpose travel and student populations

--Includes an FAQ that reflects questions actually asked

  • Includes a new requirement that all undergraduate education abroad opportunities organized or promoted by units must work through an education abroad office

  • Revises the composition of the University International Travel Risk Advisory and Assessment Committee (ITRAAC) regarding travel approval to U.S. Department of State travel warning countries or locations that pose a specific health, safety, or security concern:

--Adds the Associate Dean of Graduate Education as a new member of ITRAAC (tenured faculty member & administrator in the graduate school)

--Adds the role of the Vice President for Academic Affairs & Provost as a tiebreaker when necessary

--Adds the involvement of the collegiate Dean(s) in any situation where ITRAAC is considering a rejection (or request to delay travel) of an application submitted by a graduate student.

Please contact Stacey Tsantir, Director, International Health, Safety and Compliance or the education abroad office on your campus with any questions.

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