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Tuesday, April 17, 2012

FERPA Q&A: Serving as a reference for a student

Question: A student has asked me to serve as a reference; can I do that?

Answer: Before agreeing to serve as a reference for a student--either in writing or verbally--there are a few things to keep in mind. If the student wants you to include private information in the reference, including grades and GPA, you must first obtain a signed dated release from the student. The student must include the following information in the release:

  • Specifics of the records to be disclosed

  • Type of reference being requested

  • Purpose of the disclosure

  • The name of the party to whom the disclosure is to be made

It is important to know that the recommendation is considered a part of the student's education record and he or she has a right to access it, unless the student has waived the rights to view it. The Office of the General Counsel has created a form for serving as a reference which can be accessed at http://www.ogc.umn.edu/download/studentref.html

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