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Friday, June 28, 2024

Astra to be replaced with 25Live

After completing the Request for Proposal (RFP) process, CollegeNET has been selected as the vendor to replace Astra for the University’s class and room scheduling system. CollegeNET’s 25Live product achieved the top score with the following highlights:

  • An updated, multi-campus academic and room scheduling platform
  • Improved workflow management, calendars, and customization options
  • Smarter event forms and streamlined event pricing
  • Increased “what-if” scenario planning
  • Advanced administrative tools

A core group has conducted preliminary analysis and planning to prepare for the late July project kickoff. The project is expected to launch in June 2025. The project team will work with the University community to ensure 25Live is optimally configured. Communications will continue throughout the project with current Astra users to ensure a smooth transition. 

Astra will continue to be the University’s class and room scheduling system until 25Live launches.

UM Report Retirement

ASR’s work addressing the retirement of UM Reports last fall is now completed. Below is a list of reports that have been moved to new platforms (i.e., UM Analytics or PS Query) and are available in the Reporting Center. Permanently retired reports are no longer available in the Reporting Center. The decision to permanently retire reports was based on overall usage rates, data being available in other formats, and specialized reports that were no longer needed for the intended stakeholder groups. Ad Hoc report data requests can continue to be made using ASR’s Student Data Request form

Reports moved to new platforms and available in Reporting Center:

  • Major/Minor Roster
  • Eligibility for lower tuition fringe rate assistantship
  • Student Roster Summary Statistics/Detail
  • Dean’s List
  • Grade Selector
  • Rochester Student Roster 
  • Degree Applicants
  • Graduate Education Student Report for Majors/Minors
  • Student Group Roster
  • GE Student Non-Graded Course Enrollments 

Reports that are permanently retired:

  • Student Addresses
  • My Advisees - Dean’s List
  • My Advisees - Graduated Students
  • Collegiate Degree Honors Detail
  • Degree Honors Percentage (Undergraduate)
  • Grade Roster Entry Statistics
  • Student Selector
  • Student Photo
  • Graduate Faculty Advising/Committee Summary by Field of Study
  • Graduate Faculty Advising/Committee Summary by Faculty
  • Athletics suite of reports
  • Education Abroad suite of reports


Q: I’m new to the University. What resources are available to better understand FERPA and student data access?

A: The following resources are available for you to learn more about FERPA and other policies: