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Friday, August 26, 2022

Parchment admin platform upgrade

From October 3 to 4, our Parchment admin platform will be upgraded to combine the platforms for transcript and digital diploma services. The student ordering experience will remain the same, but there will be changes to student accounts, particularly for those who have previously created an account. Students who log in through MyU will not need additional account support. Students who previously created accounts will need to create a new one, which will be updated by OTR/One Stop with a student ID for an order to be completed.

Upgraded functionality will include:
  • Improved tracking and support for digital diplomas
  • Third-party ordering for external requesters/institutions

Policy reminders

As we near the start of the term, we wanted to share a few policy reminders. The Mandatory Attendance policy requires students to attend the first class meetings for all classes in which they are enrolled unless they have prior approval from their instructor to be absent. Please consult the policy FAQ for more details on how this policy applies to online classes or when students register after the first day of classes.

Please also consult the updated Makeup Work for Legitimate Absences policy and the Makeup Work FAQ. Reasonable accommodations must be made for students who have legitimate absences, including:
  • Illness, especially for in-person or blended classes
  • Religious holiday observance
  • Pre-approved first-day absence
  • Late registration
The Student Conduct Code was also updated, which went into effect on July 1, 2022. Significant revisions include an updated definition of scholastic dishonesty to include unauthorized use of learning support platforms. This information should be included in a course’s syllabus so students are able to understand the standards, expectations, and reference techniques appropriate to the subject area and class requirements, including internet use and group work.


Q: Our department is planning to hire student employees for the upcoming semester. We need to verify enrollment information. Can I look this up using the access I have?

A: No, you should not use your access for hiring related needs. The student should provide the information, and the same details should be asked of all applicants. If you have questions, please ask your human resources representative for assistance in obtaining the information.