As a reminder, fall 2014 grades (full semester) are due on Tuesday, December 23. A
complete list of grading due dates is available online. The Office of the Registrar would like to highlight some common questions and issues related to grade entry that might affect your instructors and faculty.
Verify access to grade rosters
Instructors should verify that they have access to all of their assigned grade rosters before the last day of instruction by using the "My Classes" report in
UM Reports. Grades can be entered online through the
University Self-Service grades pages. Class rosters and grade entry for courses owned by the School of Public Health are available only through the
School of Public Health grading system.
Mobile devices
At this time, smart phones and iPads cannot be used to enter final grades. (The PeopleSoft self-service pages for grade entry are not compatible with mobile devices.)
Browser compatibility
The browser type and version used by the grade enterer can also affect grade entry. Mac users typically have the best success with the Safari browser (Safari on an iPad will not work for grade entry). PC users typically have the best grade entry success with the Firefox browser.
Clearing your cache
All grade enterers and approvers should clear their browser cache prior to the grades entry period to ensure they have the most recent version of the grades pages. Some assistance is available on the
grade entry section of the Faculty One Stop web page.
Releasing "Student-Release Questions" from the Student Rating of Teaching
Consider consenting to allow the release of students' responses to the "student-release questions" from the Student Rating of Teaching form. Students use this information to make more informed choices about courses in the future. To release your information,
go to this website.
Where to go for help
If you know of someone encountering issues with grades entry please refer them to the Student Records Training and Support Team for further assistance at (612) 625-2803 or via email at
Please share this message with your department staff, faculty, and instructors. Thank you for your attention.
**Due to the PeopleSoft Upgrade, the process will be changing for spring semester grade entry. We will keep you informed via this publication or The Upgrade website as more information becomes available.**